Simba's Königreich - Musik Lyrik
"He Lives in You"
Lyrik von: Mark Mancina, Jay Rifkin, and Lebo M.
Gesungen von: Lebo M.
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala [Hier ist ein Löwen und ein Tiger]
And the spirit of life
Calling Oh, oh, iyo Mamela [Hör zu]
Oh, oh, iyo
And a voice
With the fear of a child Answers
Oh, oh, iyo Oh, mamela [Hör zu]
Oh, oh, iyo Ubukhosi bo khokho [Thron der Vorfahren]
We ndodana ye sizwe sonke [Oh, Sohn der Nation)]
There's no mountain too great
Oh, oh, iyo
Hear the words and have faith
Oh, oh, iyo
Have faith Hela hey mamela [Hey, hör zu]
He lives in you
He lives in me
He watches over
Everything we see
Into the water
Into the truth
In your reflection
He lives in you
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala [Here is a lion and a tiger]
[wiederholt drittes Vers]
[Chor wiederholt]