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Picture Stories - Vienna February 2012
During Winter in February 2012 I had the pleasure of going to Vienna.
Within one day we got 30 cm of new snow. At that particular day I went
to the Zoo in Vienna. It was very could, but I had the chance to get
some pictures of animals in unknown states, like African lions in snow. It
was quite funny to see them and how they behave in that for them unusual
In addition to the zoo visit I also had the chance to see a little bit more
of Vienna, but it was hard with all that snow in the cold.
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Some pictures from the zoo in Vienna:
Two skeptical lions watching the snow
Yet another tiger fight
Cheetah in profile
Lioness with friendly expression in the snow
A nice looking lioness in the snow
Naughty lioness in the snow
The jungle house in Vienna
The central pavilion of the Vienna zoo
In the eye of the cheetah
Jaguar in the snow
A lion in close profile
lynx hiding from the bad and cold weather
An alerted wolf
Two Siberian tigers in the snow
The tigers are fighting
A jumping tiger
The winter way to the zoo of Vienna
A wolf