Picture Stories - Etosha April 2014
End of April we reached the biggest step of our tour: the Etosha (means
great white place, named after the Etosha pan) National park, 1200 qkm
of protected area. We started our tour in the dolomite camp at the very
east of Etosha. On the next day we traveled to Okaukuejo, where we
stayed 2 days and after that left Etosha over Namutoni. Since it is fall
at that time and had plenty of rain before, we were able to see Etosha
much more green than normally. Although this is very nice for pictures
it is also more hard to see animals in the dense bushes and gras, but we
managed as you can see. All of the big fives (lions, elephants, buffalo,
rhinos, leopards) except for the buffalo can be found there.
On the left picture you see two lioness confronting a wildebeest.
More Pictures
For further pictures see below:
We were very fortunate to see some hunting lioness.
A pride with over 20 lions.
Two lion cubs watching.
A young male lion resting in the shades.
One of the hunting lioness.
Two lioness waiting for the next hunting opportunity.
Lioness on the lookout.
Three lioness watching different directions.
Lioness before the waterhole.
Male lion resting.
Waterhole before the Etosha pan.
Savannah from the dolomite camp.
Swimming pool of the Dolomite camp.
Dolomite camp.
Army of elephants.
Elephants from the front.
Group of young elephants.
Elephant drinking.
Elephants crossing the street.
Herd of wildebeests.
Two zebras.
Big spider eating a moth.
Zebra head.
A single giraffe.
Zebra prey lining up.
A young lion blocking the pad.
A close shot of the lion.
Lion walking on the pad.
Young lion in the evening sun.
One of the hunting lioness.
This lion was not very pleased about our presence.
The big lion pride.
Single lion cub.
Lion cub friends.
Bird catches mantis.
Blue bird.
This mantis was in our Lodge.
Cell Phone Pictures
Okay these were done with my phone, but some of them are still quite good since it was mostly used for landscape shots:
Savannah tree in Etosha.
Sunset in the Dolomite camp.
Zebras in the shade.
Sunset in Okakeju.
Another tree.
Green waterhole.
Waterhole with the Etosha pan in the background.
Etosha waterhole.
The Etosha pan.
Etosha pan with water.
Some more zebras.
Leadwood camp before the Etosha National park.
These are the rules. Note rule number 9. (Un-) fortunately we didn't see any of mentioned animals
Panorama picture of Etosha:

Here is a nice panorama picture of the Etosha pan: