Picture Stories - San Francisco Zoo November 2012
The San Francisco Zoo is located near the Golden Gate Park directly on the
ocean side. Only one minute to the beach. It is not as large as the Zoo in
LA for instance, but like the city it has its moments. They have different
tours for free and you are even allowed to touch a lion, to get an impression
for the fur, which is actually much rougher than you think. ;)
More Pictures
Pictures from the San Francisco Zoo:
The lion is resting with his lioness.
The lioness is flehming or whatever she is doing there.
Rabbling on the bush.
The lion opens the sweet box and..
...the lioness is not very happy about it.
A fountain dedicated to the lions.
One of the lion statues.
American eagle.
A closeup shot of an Asian fishing cat.
Fishing cat taken through 2 glasses in a very dark enclosure.
Fishing cat.
Anteater sideview.
Ice bear.
Lioness yawning.
Crying eagle.
One of the nice tigers in San Francisco.
The other tiger.